Left to right: Architect Michael Diggiss who heads the Expo 2020 team, COB Architecture Lecturer Valaria Pintard-Flax, CN Members Patricia, Rosemary and Pam, COB Visual Art Lecturer Michael Edwards, and Dean of Faculty of Liberal and Fine Arts Dr Ian Bethell-Bennett
Creative Nassau members, President Pam Burnside, CN Market Coordinator Rosemary Hanna and Vice President Patricia Glinton-Meicholas, were invited to address COB architecture and visual art students on October 27 about their organization and the crucial role that Creativity plays in nation building. The presentation was a part of COB's ongoing 'Conversations with...' series of lectures in preparation for the student's charge by the Minister of Foreign Affairs to design The Bahamas' Pavilion for Expo 2020 in Dubai.
Each CN member made 15-minute power point presentations which dealt with the history and role of Creative Nassau, as well as the rich history of Bahamian Art and Architecture, in particular the clapboard house. CN members also elaborated on how the organization's mission to promote and celebrate Bahamian Art, Culture and Heritage from the inside out, is being implemented, and explained how the amazing lessons that exist within the architecture and art established by our ancestors contain the potential as engines for much needed national development and growth.
Students were urged to take inspiration and pride from these Bahamian treasures.