Creative Nassau (CN), the non-profit organization was formed in 2004 and, in 2014 succeeded in obtaining the prestigious UNESCO Creative Cities designation for the City of Nassau as a Creative City of Crafts & Folk Art.  Now, CN has achieved another international milestone.

The organization’s continuing efforts to promote Bahamian strawcraft was recently given an enormous boost with the local industry’s inclusion in a new, internationally published book Straw Plaiting: Heritage Techniques for Hats, Trimmings, Bags and Baskets written by a Briton, Veronica Main. One of the newest Heritage Crafts publications, this prestige volume was produced in partnership with Bloomsbury Press. Through a series of interviews and communications with Ms Main, CN was intimately involved in providing information and photos reflecting the straw tradition of The Bahamas and supplying contacts with tradition bearers such as Rosemary Brice.

Ms Main states in a release shared with Creative Nassau:

“Since the day I first looked at straw plait, I have been on a mission to make certain the skills are kept alive by documenting this once important industry that provided a living for so many families around the world. To finally see the book in print is my dream come true.

“My journey to collect information was given a tremendous boost when I discovered Creative Nassau online, and the President, Pam Burnside replied to my enquiry that reached her out of the blue. I can tell you that some people that I wrote to in other countries were not as interested in helping with my research!

“To find out about the work being carried out on the Bahamian islands and to have the help of Pam and the Vice President, Patricia Glinton-Meicholas in answering my many questions, was invaluable. For me to see the plaits being made on the islands and to know that those patterns were also being made in other countries around the world proved to me how interlinked all our stories are.

“The Bahamas has a rich history of straw plaiting and weaving that deserves greater understanding, and my book which is available in the UK, Europe, North America, and Australia helps to spread that knowledge. I wish that I could have written more about straw work in The Bahamas, but at least this starts the process of sharing knowledge.

“The book contains history and comprehensive information about tools, processes, and most importantly, instructions for making more than 50 different patterns of plaits, each shown alongside their own unique story. My hope is that it will inspire people to get involved in straw plaiting which will ensure that these skills and makers’ stories survive for future generations.

“Besides thanking everyone within Creative Nassau along with Pam and Patricia, I also want to say how much I appreciated the help of Rosemary Brice, a most talented Long Island born straw plaiter, as well as the kindness of the wonderful artist K. Smith for permitting me to include one of his art works in the book, the most remarkable coloured pencil drawing of a Bahamian plaiter’s hands in action entitled “Miss Emily’s Eleven Strings.”                                                                                                                                                                    

“What is my hope for all of you? That you can continue to encourage young people to see that these skills can bring them immense opportunities. You have something very special happening on your islands by keeping this rich tradition alive, and if I have helped you to promote this unique talent in any small way by including Bahamian straw plaiting in my publication, then that makes me very proud!” (Veronica Main, November 2023)

CN President Pam states: “Our relationship with Veronica is very special. We met online in October of 2021 and have since gotten on like a house on fire! It was such a pleasure for us to finally meet in person in London last October when she attended a keynote presentation I made on the Bahamian Strawcraft Industry at the Costume Institute of the African Diaspora’s second Biennial Dress Conference. We were absolutely thrilled and proud to be a part of this publication which contains eight references to Bahamian straw, including several full-page photographs! The publication has totally validated our urgency over these many years to make Bahamians recognize what a valuable role straw craft plays in our cultural and economic heritage. It is something that Bahamians have embraced and nurtured for centuries which we cannot afford to lose. We must ensure that it is protected and promoted as the strong economic engine that drove our country forward in years gone by, and can do so once again.”

CN VP Patricia stated: “It has been gratifying to see the genius and continuing industry of our people reflected in a major world publication. We of CN hope one day soon to get at least a measure of the official sponsorship that Ms Main achieved to continue to bring the social and economic importance of Bahamian strawcraft to wide recognition and appreciation at home and internationally. We are grateful to Veronica for providing this major impetus in that direction.”

Available for purchase on Amazon, Straw Plaiting: Heritage Techniques for Hats, Trimmings, Bags and Baskets, has been described as “an engaging maker’s guide to the history and craft of straw plaiting brimming with 400 step-by-step diagrams”. The volume was launched in the United Kingdom and Australia earlier this year, followed by a North American launch in October 2023.  

Veronica Main is acknowledged as the most experienced traditional straw plaiter in the UK. For more than 40 years she has rigorously researched the industries of the UK, Europe and the United States, unlocking information and learning how to recreate Plaits using authentic techniques. She was awarded an MBE in the 2021 New Year’s Honours list for Services to Straw Hat Plaiting and Endangered Craft.

Photographs below show: 1. Straw Plaiting: Heritage Techniques for Hats, Trimmings, Bags and Baskets publication front cover;2. Photo of author Veronica Main,  MBE, courtesy of the author; 3. Author, Veronica Main (left) with Creative Nassau Team of Pam Burnside, Neko Meicholas, Rosemary Hanna and Patricia Glinton-Meicholas during a zoom meeting
